Lets Meet Up (dLunC ed)

Lets meet up

Having lots of friends, yet only had three complimentary tickets, is a hard thing..!!
So I decided to invite my friend from Jakarta, arrange it in quiet mode , even I said to her “gosh, they going to bang my head, if they know you are coming, yet not meeting with the others”
So, at the last day, prior to her arrival, I told them “Heeeeiiii… Atit is coming to Bandung, kindly meet up at Car Free Day Dago on Sunday “ .
By quietly,
arrange it to have lunch with Susan which accidently visiting Bandung.. yeeeaaay 1 friend checked
After that we went to Trans Studio Bandung, meet up with me, checked
And the next morning, we have breakfast and meet up with Tya , checked…
Walking down Jl. Hasanuddin.. a car stopped by, and there were Irma and her little family, checked.
After that meet up with Vera and her twin sister Veri, checked..
And all the sudden, Riri message “I am coming to CFD” with her little family …
d LunC Meet Up
Horrraaaay….. Unplanned meet up is so successful…
Very Happy to know that finally the meet up is a little big success..
Let it be, one are so bussy at Jakarta, Serang or Bandung …
It just doesn’t really matter.
Because when the time came for us to meet up..
There shall we be.
We don’t need that fancy place to meet up
Doesn’t really need that fine dining also
Sometimes, a simple meet up at the Street… is just feel AWESOME

Bandung 07-08 Nov 2015
#Thankyou for coming, despite the busy day
# Friendship